Category Archives: Audio Sermons

Contemporary Seventh-day Adventist sermons delivered by Senior Pastor Simon Liversidge and many others over the years at The Place.  Bill Liversidge, John Lubke, Randall Goulard, Bill Werner, Steve Carlson, Kay Kuzma and others have delivered sermons that work to make disciples of Jesus.

{play}{/play} This Sabbath Pastor Simon will conclude his series on Romans with a sermon titled “How to keep our eyes on Jesus.”

{play}{/play} This Sabbath Elder Bill Werner will preach and share about Queen Esther and the God of ‘coincidences.’

{play}{/play}This Sabbath Pastor Steve will share his farewell sermon with us!

{play}{/play} This Sabbath Pastor Simon will continue his series on the book of Romans with a sermon titled “My Journey through Romans.”

{play}{/play} This Sabbath Pastor Simon will share a sermon titled “The Mystery of Jesus” which focuses on Romans 16:25-27.

{play}{/play} This Sabbath Pastor Simon will share a sermon titled “Real People, Real God” based on Romans 16:1-24.

{play}{/play} This Sabbath Pastor Simon will share a sermon titled “A God Work” based on Romans 15:14-33.


{play}{/play} This Sabbath Pastor Simon will share a sermon titled “Hope Through Unity” based on Romans 15:1-13.

{play}{/play} This Sabbath, Pastor Simon will share a sermon titled “How To Live Like a Child of The King” based on Romans 14:13-23.

{play}{/play} This Sabbath Pastor Steve Carlson will share the good news with a sermon titled “The Failure of Resolutions” based on Peter’s failure in Luke 22.