Community Service

God’s Love Has Impacted Us: Our Lives Will Never Be the Same

And as an expression of our gratitude for God’s incredible love, we reach out to those in need by being God’s hands and feet as he works through us to touch the lives of individuals in our community and within our church body. Experience the joy of service with us by participating in projects we have scheduled throughout the year.

Some areas of ministry include:

—Food drives for Manna our local food bank.
—Community ACTION Serve Day a one-day service project in partnership with other area churches.
—Family volunteer opportunities at Children’s Hunger Fund.
—Christmas Shoppe, a holiday event for families in need.
—Planned events to perform random acts of kindness in our community.
—Our youth serve the homeless and heartbroken in San Francisco.
—The Place partners with Extreme Mobility to provide skiing, surfing & sports camps for the blind.
—Watch for announcements and details on how you can get involved in these and other projects.

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