

Saturday Morning at The Place

The demands seems so great, the time too short. So many of us feel pressed for time – earning a living, caring for dependents, cleaning house, while trying to exercise, nurture relationships, sleep and eat in between. Saturday is our Sabbath – our special day to take a break from the daily grind, spending quality time in worship, and nurturing relationships with family and friends.

9:45 AM – Community Prayer Time

Each Saturday morning, we gather from 9:45 a.m. in the main sanctuary for a time of prayer. We pray for one another, for the needs in our church family, for our church, or community, our nation and world. This is an informal time and everyone is invited. Come and join us as we petition our Heavenly Father and listen for His leading through the powerful communication of prayer.

10:30 AM – Community Bible Study

Children’s Bible Classes All our children’s classes (our Sabbath School) meet in our facilities just to the side of the main sanctuary (to the right, if you’re facing the church from the parking lot).

Class Age Beginner 0 to 3 Kindergarten 4 to 6 Primary 7 to 9 Junior 10 to 14 Youth 15 to 18

Adult Bible Study Groups

Our adult Bible study and fellowship groups are open to everyone in the community. Currently, we have several different classes running each Saturday at 10:30 a.m.

11:30 AM – Community Worship

Our worship services combine contemporary praise and worship music with messages from Pastor Simon Liversidge that strengthen your walk with God. Once a month (usually the second Sabbath of each month), we have children’s church in our youth chapel.

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