Category Archives: Audio Sermons

Contemporary Seventh-day Adventist sermons delivered by Senior Pastor Simon Liversidge and many others over the years at The Place.  Bill Liversidge, John Lubke, Randall Goulard, Bill Werner, Steve Carlson, Kay Kuzma and others have delivered sermons that work to make disciples of Jesus.

{play}{/play}This week Pastor Simon will continue his series “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “Not As It Should Be” which will go over Romans 8:18-27.


{play}{/play}This week Pastor Simon will continue his series “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “Life in the Spirit” which will go over Romans 8:1-17.

{play}{/play}This week Pastor Simon will continue his series “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “The War Within” which will go over Romans 7:14-25.

{play}{/play} This week Randall Goulard will be preaching for the first time at The Place.  Randall will continue the series on “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “Living In The Spirit” which will go over Romans 7:1-13.

{play}{/play} This week Pastor Simon continues his series on living dangerously with a sermon titled “A New Master” focusing on Romans 6:15-23.

{play}{/play} This Sabbath we will be celebrating the FREEDOM we have in the United States and the freedom we have in Jesus. Pastor Simon continues his series on living dangerously with a sermon titled “Living Free” focusing on Romans 6:1-14.


{play}{/play} This week Pastor Simon will continue his series on “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “More or Less” that will focus on the book of Romans, chapter 5, verses 12-21.


{play}{/play} This week Pastor Steve is sharing the good news from the book of Jonah.


{play}{/play} This week Pastor Simon will continue his series on “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “Faith First” which will focus on Romans 4.


{play}{/play} This week Pastor Simon will continue his series on “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “Blind Spots” which will focus on Romans 3:21-31.