Category Archives: Ministries

From the list below, you can see that the possibilities for involvement at The Place are infinite. Take a look at the areas below – find one that interests you and allows you to use your God-given gifts for others. Talk to one of the coordinators listed below the ministry. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Talk to Pastor Simon about your own ideas for sharing – many of the ministries below came from just such a conversation!


Jana Stout

Audio/Visual Department

Grant Lyman – Coordinator

Audio Ministry

Leo Alves
Tim Chadwick

Ralph Figueroa

Brendon Lew
Ben Seifert
Jeremy Vannix

Visual Ministry

Giovanna Alves

Andrew Geigle

Ben Seifert

Kevin Siver

Bible Studies

Give Bible studies to interested people

Randall Goulard

Mary James

Ashley Lindhauer
Bill Werner

Simon Liversidge – Pastor

CAES Delegates

Geoff Wolcott

Cafe Ministry

Hosts cafe after church services

Jeni Ehteshami – Coordinator

Suzanne Aiken

Marisa Allen
Richard Caraboolad
Taryl Cordone
Jennie Kay Dappalonia

Soroosh Ehteshami
Darin Gains

Kelly Gains
Josefa Gurado

Kathy Huffaker

Eugene Lee

Eunice Lee

Michael McConnehy

Jessica Moore

Debbie Nichols
Lillia Ochoa
Chris Simafranca


Card Ministry

Write birthday and greeting cards

Brenda Richards – Coordinator
Nancy Leon

Maureen Malkiewicz

Debby Moon

Elvina Wolcott

Children’s Ministry Teams

Sabbath School, etc.

Cradle Roll

Jennifer Lew – Coordinator
Makalah Fausset
Sandra Haynes
Cecilia Liversidge
Robin Shea


Doris Fulgham – Coordinator
lleana Burgos
Kelly Perry
Debbie Rasmussen
Vivian Rhoe
Angelo Baher


Alisa Kalberg – Coordinator
Cecilia Liversidge
Heidi Figueroa

Lalo Burgos

Dano Allen


Dawn Lyman – Coordinator
Mark Negley

Jolene Roeske

Leila Vallado
Frank Thomsen

Luke Fuller

Children’s Church

Monthly church for our kids

Sherry Jackson – Coordinator
Jona Cooke

Natalie Figueroa

Karen Vallado


Elvina Wolcott

Community Services

Develop projects in our community

Joyce Thomsen – Coordinator
Sandy Duarte
Ralph Figueroa
Noemi Gomez
Andrea/Fred Harlan
Carly Lopez
Michael/Danielle Peabody

Counseling Ministry

Assist persons who need emotional/spiritual guidance

Lilian Alves
Jerry/Kitty Bokoles
Ed Moon
Jacquie Randall

Couples Ministry

Develop and implement ministry for couples

Alicia Adams
Kitty/Jerry Bokoles
Patti/Ron Fausset
Bill/Sandy Werner


Set up and tear down for service. Care of physical structure.

Herb Mortenson, Rick Hamlin – Head Deacons
Bart Baker
Jeffrey Cordone
Brandon Fausset

Sinahy Fuentes

Manuel Gomez

Celina Gomez

Rick Hamlin
Branon Shea

Junior Deacons

Just not as old as our regular deacons

Giovanna Alves
Leo Alves
Megan Hamlin
Chelsea/Crystal Moon
Victoria Olsen
Brice Peterson
Bradon Schwarz
Abby Siver
Levi Siver
Dylan Vessels


Spiritual leadersip of our church family

Bill Werner – Head Elder
Rob Randal
Jerry Bokoles
Arla Caraboolad
Ron Fausset
Ralph Figueroa
Dawn Lyman

Michael Peabody

Donna Pullen
Fernando Rossi
Kevin Siver

Fellowship Luncheons

Assist in monthly lunch after service at church

Donna Goldman – Coordinator
Alicia Adams
Lilian Alves
Cindy/Rodney Andregg
lleana/Lalo Burgos
Aria Caraboolad
Ron/Patti Fausset
April/Ken Fowler
Josefa Gurado
Kathy Huffaker
Karen Jackson
Peter/Nancy Leon
Ed/Debby/Chelsea/Crystal Moon
Lillia Ochoa
Jolene/Reiner Roeske
Frank/Joyce Thomsen
Leila Vallado
Elvina Wolcott

Finance Committee

Deal with church finances on all levels

Ron Fausset – Chairman
Lalo Burgos
Chad Giles
Les Merryman
Vickie Mortenson
Michael Peabody
Chase Spenst
Geoff Wolcott


Welcome people to The Place

Jana Stout – Coordinator

Marisa Allen

Judy Ayars
Lisa Kincaid
Frank Fulgham

Jason Mosley

Jesse Macalinao
Sarita Macalinao

Debby Moon

Ed Moon

Debbie Nichols

Jonathan Carpio
Colleen Franzen


Reiner Roeske
Ron/Patti Fausset
Aaron/Denise Ramirez

Blin Richards

Hospital Ministry

Assist in monthly hospital visitation

Debbie Nichols – Coordinator
Vivienne Lansdown
Donna Pullen
Elvina Wolcott

Hospitality Ministry

Alisa Kalberg – Coordinator
Rodney/Lilian Alves
Richard/Aria Caraboolad
Ron/Patti Fausset
Frank/Doris Fulgham

Mommies Ministry

Organize fellowship/support for young moms

Sandra Haynes/Cecilia Liversidge – Coordinators

NPAA Board Representatives

Ardis Baker
Annette Siver


Take photos of Place outings and individuals

Lilian Alves – Coordinator

Alicia Adams
Joy Boyland

Fernando Cano

Gerry Chudleigh
Jona Cooke
Patti Fausset

Lyndol James

Eugene Lee

Brenda Richards

Prayer Ministry

Pray for our church and our community

Donna Pulien – Coordinator
Suzanne Aiken

Dano/Marisa Allen

Lilian/Giovanna Alves
Cindy Andregg
Wilma Dulla
Ralph/Heidi Figueroa
Robin Foster
Aleta Fuller
Kathy Huffaker
Lisa Kincaid
Dawn Lyman
Julie McHugh
Debbie Nichols
Joelle Vessels
Elvina Wolcott

Risk Management

Michael Peabody

Social Committee

Plan regular social events for our church

Jona Cooke – Coordinator

Marisa Allen
Sherry Jackson
Debby Moon

Beach Vespers

Judy Ayars
Robin Atmore
Tim Chadwick
Michael/Danielle Peabody

Special Events

Caleb Guevara

Wedding/Baby Showers

Jennifer Lew

Steering Committee

Aria Caraboolad
Jona Cooke
Ron Fausset
Jennifer Lew

Simon Liversidge

Dawn Lyman

Les Merryman
Donna Pullen
Rob Randall
Kevin Siver
Elvina Wolcott


Ron Fausset
Les Merryman

Vacation Bible School

Jennifer Lew – Coordinator

Jona Cooke
Evelyn Gains

Karen Littell

Debbie Moon

Robin Shea


Jeremy Bachmann – Coordinator

Women’s Ministry

Organize fellowship and support for women

Alicia Adams – Coordinator
Danette Giles
Sandra Haynes
Cecilia Liversidge
Dawn Lyman
Sherri Wright

Worship Committee

Simon Liversidge – Coordinator
Jason Mosley
Robin Shea
Sandy Werner


Randall Goulard – Coordinator
Walter Hamlin
Fred Harlan
Shearin Matute
Paige/Peter/Gillian Nielsen
Ashley Peterson
Rebekah Rice
Mirage Thrams

Worship/Praise Team

Participate/lead in worship/praise elements of service

Ken Adams
Lilian Alves
Rodney Andregg
Angelo Baher
Michael Brown
lleana Burgos
Paul/Caroline Ceasar
Roxie Cevora
Ryan Dolinsky
Aaron Doyle
Matt Doyle
Ralph Figueroa
Robin Fosler
Matt Fowler
Glen Fung
Andrea Harlan
Dan Hartman
David Haynes
Candice Henderson
Laura Jacobson
Mary Jane Kupu
Lana Lee
Peter Leon
Brendon/Jennifer Lew
Sarita Macalinao
JP/Shearln Matute
Amy Miller
Kevin Miller
Bre Nomelli
Marcus Paquini
Michael/Danielle Peabody
Harley Peterson
Aaron Ramirez
Fernando Rossi
Julia Salerno
Bryan/Mindy Schwarz
Robin Shea
Melissa Sierra
Kevin Siver
David Smith
Chase Spenst
Michael Taylor, Jr.
Jeremy Vannix
Bill/Sandy Werner
Robin Wake
Khari Washington

Young Adult Ministry

Randall Goulard – Coordinator
Eunice Lee
Carly Lopez
Michael/Danielle Peabody


High-school age young people

John Lubke- Coordinator
Jennie Kay Dappalonia
Walter Hamlin
Brian Meert
Ed Moon
Christina Moreno
Aaron Ramirez
Jonathan/Rebekah Rice
Dan/Kathy Roth
Bryan/Mindy Schwarz
Michael Taylor, Sr.

We believe that God is leading us to be of service to others by sharing his love. And as an expression of our gratitude for God’s incredible love, we reach out to those in need by being God’s hands and feet as he works through us to touch the lives of individuals in our community and within our church body. Experience the joy of service with us by participating in projects we have scheduled throughout the year.

Some of the areas of ministry include

  • Fostering Hope a mentoring program with youth in the foster care system.
  • Community ACTION Serve Day a one-day service project in partnership with other area churches.
  • Food drives for Manna our local food bank.
  • Christmas Shoppe a holiday event for families in need.
  • Watch for announcements and details on how you can get involved in these and other projects.

    Ministry Contact: Joyce Thomsen

Community Services Facebook Page

Maybe you’ve been coming to The Place for two weeks. Maybe five years. Maybe you’ve already tested the waters and you’re ready to ramp up your involvement.

The next step is easy. Sabbath services are an important gathering of our church family, but The Place happens seven days a week in small groups, Sabbath school, ministries, events, families, offices, and pretty much anywhere life is happening. There are many ways you can participate in the mission of The Place.


Connect in a group – The Place has many Small Groups and Adventure Groups to choose from.  Small Groups are centered around Bible study, prayer, and community.  Adventure Groups give the opportunity for people with a shared interest (a hobby, sport, life stage, issue)  to enjoy it together with new and old friends.


Volunteer – members of The Place go on mission trips around the world and help in our own communities through our Community Service ministry.  Or help at The Place greeting visitors, working the audio/video equipment, programming the website, teaching children’s classes, and more!