Monthly Archives: September 2009

This week Pastor Simon will continue his sermon series on “Meeting Jesus” with a sermon titled “The Power of Community” that will focus on Matthew Chapter 13.

{play}{/play}The Power of Community

Fusce sit amet pellentesque sem. Curabitur sit amet nulla quam. Aliquam imperdiet, metus et consectetur tempus, metus diam aliquam sem, eu dignissim lacus sem pharetra magna. Maecenas tortor lorem, pulvinar nec viverra eget, auctor nec elit. Nam vitae eros eget risus tincidunt consectetur. Proin diam mi, condimentum at tincidunt sit amet, tempus eget magna. Sed id nisi ligula, vel pretium dolor. Sed augue sem, gravida quis scelerisque a, ornare sit amet lectus. Vestibulum mi diam, aliquet non vulputate in, interdum quis nunc. Nulla pellentesque fermentum vehicula. Vestibulum ligula mauris, tincidunt quis malesuada sed, convallis eget orci. Fusce mollis, arcu aliquet consectetur luctus, risus eros tincidunt nibh, eget tristique lorem sapien eget nisl.

Nunc rutrum ultricies erat sed porta. Nulla imperdiet, purus nec auctor convallis, diam sem elementum leo, non elementum urna libero vitae nisi. Ut ac ligula purus, sed condimentum lorem. Duis sollicitudin purus ac leo hendrerit aliquam. Donec malesuada, tortor sit amet tincidunt mollis, lacus dui facilisis dolor, at dignissim nulla dolor nec augue. Vivamus at leo vitae orci sollicitudin elementum. Maecenas vestibulum dolor nec ante scelerisque semper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras hendrerit leo in est ullamcorper semper. Sed mollis ornare dui in imperdiet. Donec quis ante vitae est lacinia pellentesque at ac urna. Suspendisse varius metus id sem feugiat eget congue sapien sagittis. Nam pharetra nunc vel est euismod ac varius turpis sodales. Quisque eleifend aliquet gravida. Morbi fringilla lacinia nibh, quis aliquet ipsum congue at. Praesent ipsum ligula, semper eget posuere quis, pretium quis augue. Phasellus feugiat diam neque, eget facilisis ipsum. Donec porttitor consequat erat. Morbi cursus, velit nec sollicitudin posuere, orci neque tristique massa, consequat egestas tellus enim vel turpis. Sed ornare erat vel augue tempor non sodales elit congue.

Parasitic worms are sequential hermaphrodites and reproduce depending on the species of worm, either with the presence of a male and female worm, joining sperm and eggs, producing fertile eggs, such as hookworms, or by breaking off segments that contain both male and female sex organs that are able to produce fertile eggs without the presence of a male or female (e.g., tapeworms).

All worm offspring are the passed on through poorly-cooked meat, especially pork, wild fish, and beef, contaminated water, feces and mosquitoes. However, it is estimated[who?] that 40 million Americans are infected with the most common roundworm, the pinworm.

Worm eggs or larvae or even adults enter the human body through the mouth, anus, nose, or skin, with most species attaching themselves to the intestinal tract. With the presence of digestive enzymes, worm egg shells are dissolved, releasing a brand-new worm; unlike its egg shell, the parasitic worm is protected from the body’s powerful digestive enzymes by producing a protective keratin layer.


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The Scoop

Our online newletter, The Scoop, is a fabulous resource that contains our latest and greatest happenings and inspirations. It is updated every week and is in a BLOG format so you can reply to entries and share ideas with others.

Visit The Scoop

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Children are special to God. At The Place we value our kids immensely and believe they have been entrusted to us by God. In order to help parents raise their children to be Godly young people we have various Sabbath School classes and programs designed to share Jesus with them and teach them to be able to share Jesus with others.

We design EVERY worship service with our children in mind. We invite our children to participate frequently in our worship and in music…as well as leading us in prayer and drama. We also invite our children to “sit up front” and feel like they are involved in our service and worship, rather than just being spectators. You will often find our children worshipping and jumping up and down for joy in the Lord.

Our Sabbath School children’s programs are divided up by various ages/stages. The Sabbath School classes meet each Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in our Children’s Wing…the “Little Place.”

For our infants to 3 year olds, we have a CRADLE ROLL Sabbath School under the leadership of Jennifer Lew. Each week our teachers use music, story and hands-on learning to teach our infants and toddlers the stories of Jesus and the Bible. Parents and grand-parents are invited to come and participate.

For our Pre-K and Kindergarten children (graduating Kindergartners are promoted in June), we have a Sabbath School designed to highlight how amazing God is.  Our teachers share the stories of the Bible with creativity and fun.

For kids in 1st and 2nd grades, we have a Sabbath School class lead by Robin Shea.  Utilizing engaging music videos based in scripture and Hands-on Bible tools, children learn about Jesus and His Word.  Interactive conversations and supportive teachers give children the opportunity to ask questions and begin to understand their faith.

3rd – 5th grade students enjoy a lively and engaging curriculum, centering around topics such as wisdom from Proverbs, minor prophets or understanding difficult passages of scripture.  Many are also active in Adventurers – a program offered at The Place which pairs dedicated leaders and elementary aged kids to learn more about God, nature, skills and service.

Our 6th-8th graders are invited to come and share in the fun of our Junior High Sabbath School class under the leadership of Dawn Lyman. Outside of Sabbath School, junior highers have monthly vespers, monthly socials, service projects, ministry mentoring, summer and winter camp opportunities.  The goal of Junior High Ministry is to prepare students for the spiritual challenges that face them in high school and give them every opportunity to make their own decision to follow Jesus.

We also have monthly CHILDREN’S CHURCH the Second Saturday of each month at 11:30 a.m. Sherry Jackson lead out an interactive time of worship and praise.  Young people also participate in the leadership and presentation of this program for kids of all ages.



Are you a young adult?  You might be if…

– You are trying to finish school
– You are trying to build a career
– You are trying to start a family, buy a home, and still have fun!
– You want to do “stuff” and live “life”
– You are trying to find new answers to old questions about faith
– You want a community where you can 

If you resound with any of these statements then you are a young adult.  The Place Young Adult Ministries is a community of believers and doers, a community of people who seek to live what they believe and believe in what they do.  If you want new perspectives, new answers, and new experiences of faith then you belong with us and we would love to share life with you.


What to expect?
– Authentic small group that meets every week
– A vibrant and passionate worship experience
– An honest and focused Bible study every Saturday morning
– Concerts, sporting events, movies, outdoor activities and of course…eating together!!
– People who know your name!
– Opportunities to be involved

How do I get plugged in?
– Come to The Place every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. for Bible Study or 11:30 a.m. for church.
– Call us, text us, email us, or join us on Facebook

Randall Goulard – 707-227-9845


“I was in church, every week, doing the church “thing”.  But I wasn’t engaging, I was just going.  I wasn’t growing in faith, peace, or action; I was just at church.  So, looking for something new I foundThe Place and thought, “this can’t be a church, it’s not like the church I grew up in.”  But it was a church, a true community that is passionate about their love for Jesus, that worships with the same passion, and a church that seeks after God through authentic community, sharing in each others lives….AND NOW I’VE FOUND WHAT I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!”

Young Adult Ministries Facebook Page

Question: What are the ages involved?

Answer: If you are in high school, then you belong HERE 🙂



Question: What’s different about what you do compared to other churches?

Answer: As the ultimate goal is to give these kids an experience with Jesus, everything that we do is helping to create this environment.  I believe there are four areas that need to be covered in order to create a well-rounded youth ministry for these kids…

Worship – reaching up (connecting to God)

Discipleship – reaching in (personal spiritual growth)

Fellowship – reaching across (connecting with those around you who are ALSO pursuing God)

Evangelism – reaching out (sharing with other what God has given you)


Question: Who’s in charge?  How to contact?

Answer: My name is Pastor John Lubke and I am the youth pastor for The Place.  I’m looking forward to an AMAZING experience working with the youth of “The Place.”



Question: What kinds of stuff do you do?

Answer: We are continually looking for and implementing new ways of connecting high school students to God!  This is the foundation of EVERYTHING we do!  (check out the schedule below)


Our weekly activities include…

Mondays – Youth praise band practice… 6-8pm @ “The Place”

Tuesdays – Youth drama team practice… 6-8pm @ Newbury Park Academy Chapel

Thursdays – Youth small group Bible study… 7-9pm

Fridays – Tennis outreach… 1-3pm @ Borchard Park

Sabbaths – Breakfast time @ the youth chapel… 10-10:30am @ “The Place” youth chapel

Sabbaths – Sabbath School… 10:30-11:30am @ “The Place” youth chapel


Our monthly programs include (dates advertised when necessary)…

Friday night youth vespers programs

Saturday night youth socials

Sabbath afternoon outreach opportunities

Surfing Ministry

Numerous opportunities to be involved in the church worship service

Others happenings…

San Francisco Urban Mission Trip

Lake Nacimiento Camping Trip

Regular Bible studies for those wanting to go deeper into the word (our ultimate goal 🙂

Summer Backpack Trip

Winter Ski Trips

Beach Days

The Place Youth Ministries Facebook Page

Maybe you’ve been coming to The Place for two weeks. Maybe five years. Maybe you’ve already tested the waters and you’re ready to ramp up your involvement.

The next step is easy. Sabbath services are an important gathering of our church family, but The Place happens seven days a week in small groups, Sabbath school, ministries, events, families, offices, and pretty much anywhere life is happening. There are many ways you can participate in the mission of The Place.


Connect in a group – The Place has many Small Groups and Adventure Groups to choose from.  Small Groups are centered around Bible study, prayer, and community.  Adventure Groups give the opportunity for people with a shared interest (a hobby, sport, life stage, issue)  to enjoy it together with new and old friends.


Volunteer – members of The Place go on mission trips around the world and help in our own communities through our Community Service ministry.  Or help at The Place greeting visitors, working the audio/video equipment, programming the website, teaching children’s classes, and more!

The Place began as a contemporary service option for youth at the Thousand Oaks Seventh-day Adventist Church. After rapidly outgrowing the dining room, The Place occupied a temporary building on the grounds of the TO church. Later, we moved to our own building in Newbury Park. In April 2005, we moved just down the street to a larger space, which we share with Calvary Chapel Thousand Oaks. The Place is one of the fastest growing churches in the Southern California conference with Saturday services just under 200 attendees and almost 400 regular attendees.

Our Adventist Schools

Our Adventist schools are known for their high expectations; the vast majority of students who are educated in the K-12 system of Southern California Adventist schools complete twelfth grade with achievement scores in the 90th percentile and above, receive college or university degrees, enter service-oriented professions. The greatest evidence may be, however, that we provide our children an Adventist education once we become parents ourselves.

The Place supports two local Adventist schools–Conejo Adventist Elementary School (CAES) in Newbury Park, which offers Kindergarten thru Eighth grade.

We also support Newbury Park Adventist Academy, a coeducational day high school for grades 9 to 12.