Monthly Archives: July 2010

{play}{/play}This week Pastor Simon will continue his series “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “Life in the Spirit” which will go over Romans 8:1-17.

{play}{/play}This week Pastor Simon will continue his series “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “The War Within” which will go over Romans 7:14-25.

{play}{/play} This week Randall Goulard will be preaching for the first time at The Place.  Randall will continue the series on “Living Dangerously” with a sermon titled “Living In The Spirit” which will go over Romans 7:1-13.

{play}{/play} This week Pastor Simon continues his series on living dangerously with a sermon titled “A New Master” focusing on Romans 6:15-23.

{play}{/play} This Sabbath we will be celebrating the FREEDOM we have in the United States and the freedom we have in Jesus. Pastor Simon continues his series on living dangerously with a sermon titled “Living Free” focusing on Romans 6:1-14.