{play}https://www.theplacechurch.com/services_audio/sermon_files/20100424s.MP3{/play} This week Pastor Steve will lead out in a youth celebration and will be preaching along with the help of Madeline Plesh, Levi Siver, and Aimee Werner.
{play}https://www.theplacechurch.com/services_audio/sermon_files/20100424s.MP3{/play} This week Pastor Steve will lead out in a youth celebration and will be preaching along with the help of Madeline Plesh, Levi Siver, and Aimee Werner.
{play}https://www.theplacechurch.com/services_audio/sermon_files/20100417s.MP3{/play} This week Chad Stuart, the Pastor of Visalia SDA Church will share the good news from Mark 11:11-33, “Lesson of the Fig Tree.”
{play}https://www.theplacechurch.com/services_audio/sermon_files/20100410s.MP3{/play} This week Pastor Simon will start a new series as part of our year of living dangerously. His sermon is titled “Faith First To Last” and will focus on Romans 1:1-17.
{play}https://www.theplacechurch.com/services_audio/sermon_files/20100403s.MP3{/play} This Sabbath, Pastor Simon will share a homily titled “Father, Forgive Them”.