Monthly Archives: July 2009

This week Chad Reisser leads The Place in Praise.

{play}{/play}Worship Music from Chad Reisser

This week Pastor Steve Carlson brings us the Word of God.

{play}{/play}Pastor Steve

This week Elder Rob Randall will be preaching at The Place.

{play}{/play}Rob Randall

Pastor Steve leads in praise and music. Special music by Shearin Matute.

{play}{/play}worship music

This week Pastor Simon will continue his series on Meeting Jesus with a sermon titled “Live Smart…like Jesus” which will focus on Matthew 10, verses 21-42

{play}{/play}Live Smart…like Jesus

Randall Goulard leads us in praise and worship.

{play}{/play}Worship Music

This week we will celebrate the 4th of July together as Pastor Simon continue his series on Meeting Jesus with a sermon titled “Free…Like Him” which will focus on Matthew 10, verses 1-20.

{play}{/play}Free…Like Him