Pastor Simon continues his series, “A Summer Fling with Jesus.” Pastor Simon preaches on the Second Coming from Luke 21.
{play}{/play}The Second Coming
Pastor Simon continues his series, “A Summer Fling with Jesus.” Pastor Simon preaches on the Second Coming from Luke 21.
{play}{/play}The Second Coming
{play}{/play}Praise and worship at The Place led by Dean Palacio
Elder Bill Werner preaches at The Place.
{play}{/play}Elder Bill Werner Sermon
This week Pastor Steve will be preaching at The Place. This week’s sermon is titled “Who Am I?” and focuses on Luke 9:18-27.
{play}{/play}Who Am I?
{play}{/play}Praise and worship at The Place led by Steve Jackson
Pastor Simon will continue his series on a summer fling with Jesus. This week’s sermon is titled “Meet The Parents” and focuses on Luke 8:1-21.
Meet The Parents
{play}{/play}Praise and worship at The Place led by Dean Palacio
Pastor Simon will be preaching continue his summer fling series- and will focus on Luke 7:36-50 with a sermon titled, “Who’s Cheating On Who?”
{play}{/play}Who’s Cheating On Who?
{play}{/play}Praise and worship at The Place led by Pastor Steve Carlson
Pastor Simon will be preaching and will continue his summer fling series focusing on Luke 6:27-36 with a sermon titled, “You Want Me To Do What?”
{play}{/play}You Want Me To Do What?